Minburn Food Pantry - During the winter months, the food pantry totes have been moved to Minburn Public Library.
Other Food Bank locations serving Minburn if you are not registered at another food bank: Adel Food Pantry- Location: 215 N. 11th St. Adel, IA. Hours: Monday & Tuesday noon- 2 p.m. and the 4th Monday of the month 5-6 p.m. Please see adelfoodpantry.com for more details if needed.Please bring to the pantry to register: your current ID and a piece of mail that has your name at your current address.
Dallas Center Food Pantry -Available for ALL persons throughout Dallas County. It is located in the United Methodist Church at 1504 Walnut. Hours: Tuesdays 4:00 pm-6:00 pm. Curbside service is available. If you are not registered at another food bank, please stop by to see them. If you have questions, please call 515-478-6744.